After Care
For trees we plant using either method, we offer one free follow up visit, 2-3 weeks after planting to apply Nutri-Root. A very mild organic nutrient blend (2-2-3) used to increase transplant success, Nutri-Roots is mixed with water. For a complete post planting care program, we can apply Nutri-Root and re-mulch throughout the season as well as provide a watering bag that makes it easy for you to make sure the root basal never dries up during the first season of establishment. If stakes are needed for the storm season, we will put them in and take them out before the ground freezes to be stored until Spring, when we will re-assess if the stakes are necessary for the following season. We do not recommend that you fertilize any more than the Nutri-Root applications we provide or do any pruning during the first year. One year after planting, we will re-evaluate the need for feeding and trimming. After care isn't just important for newly planted trees, it is crucial and can make the difference when it comes to their survival. A rule of thumb is that for every inch of trunk diameter, a year of close monitoring and care should follow planting. Arbor Master is glad to be your Tree Health Care Specialist for years to come!